I am the adult child of a narcissist and the ex-wife of another narcissist. I've escaped the nightmares of my past largely because other victims shared their stories and advice on the web, and I want to do the same for others. If you have a question, email me at helpmewithmynarc(at sign)yahoo(period)com. I would love to help, and will carefully protect your privacy/identity if your question is posted to the blog.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why am I still in love with my narcissist?

There is no question in your mind that your narcissist spouse/partner/lover is ruining your life. He's manipulative, cruel, abusive, controlling, horrible in every way. You are miserable with him. Perhaps you've even left him, broken up with him already.

But you still love him.

You dream of being back together. You fantasize that he will beg you to come back. You think about him all day. You just want him to love you.

It's quite likely that you also feel like the world's biggest fool, that you are still holding a candle for someone who has done nothing but hurt you. You alternate between pining for him and beating yourself up for being an idiot. Your emotions don't make sense but you can't make them stop. You wonder if you've lost your mind.

Well, you aren't crazy, you aren't stupid, you aren't a fool. You're simply being the exact person your narcissist has spent months and years molding you into. This situation is less about you and any shortcomings in your personality or sanity, and more about the amazing talent your narc has for molding and shaping other humans into what he wants them to be.

Over the course of your relationship, the narc has subtly, craftily convinced you that he is the true judge of what makes a woman desirable. If you can make him love and want you, then and only then will you have proven your worth as a human being. Meanwhile, he has rewired your brain into abject devotion to meeting his needs. Maybe he used the approach of making you want to be the only one who truly understands him, or the only one who will put up with him, or the only one who can make him happy. So now without that purpose to your life, you feel meaningless. Or maybe he used a more negative approach, punishing you with ridicule, anger, or criticism whenever you failed to devote yourself to him and let him have his way. So now you're terrified that you've rebelled in heart or in action, and wish you could escape that fear by being obedient again.

Whatever the technique the narcissist has used on you, the result was some form of this: he trained you to stay in the relationship. So now, of course, you find yourself wanting to stay in the relationship. You think it gives you purpose, proves your self-worth, keeps you safe from retribution. Loving him, even though there are so many reasons to hate him, is safer and easier and can in fact seem like the only solution.

This is exactly how the psychological condition called "Stockholm Syndrome" works. Wikipedia explains the syndrome thus:
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them.
There are logical reasons for why victims of abuse experience these feelings that seem on their face to be so illogical. As Wikipedia states, "Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat." In other words, you coped with the narc's abuse by perceiving it as a kind of affection. If he was cruel to you, it was because you mattered enough to him that he chose to give you that intense attention. No matter that the "attention" was negative and abusive--in order to bear up, your mind found ways to look at it as acceptable, deserved, positive.

The result of this is that your brain has been trained so that you no longer have normal means of protecting yourself. If another woman who hadn't been abused by a narc was dropped into your place, she would dump your narcissist within a day of experiencing how he treats you. Family and friends may have been telling you for a long time to leave him because they look at his behavior clearly. But your psyche is your narc's life's work...he put his whole effort into making you into a creature that takes what he dishes out and is happy to come back for more.

So you do still feel love for him. But you shouldn't. That love is not coming from your heart but from your programmed brain. The only way to get yourself free is to break through the fear, anxiety, and shame and look what has happened to you right in the face. Strip the mask off your narc and let yourself feel genuine emotion over what's been done to you. That can be very scary, but after you've processed that real emotion, trust me, you'll come out a whole person on the other side. Figure out his games, unravel the lies. Do not have any contact with him, including cyberstalking and following him on social media. If he tries to get you back, DON'T DO IT. And recover your self-worth not by caving and going back to a hellish existence with him, but by seeing clearly the great person you are and all you have to offer the world.

Lean on anyone in your life who understands, supports you, believes in you, and thinks you are a good person. Have patience with how hard it can be for others to understand what narcissistic victims go through, and look for the well-meaning behind their actions. Do things you enjoy--revive old hobbies, find the things that used to engage you before life became all about him. Choose to do what's right for YOU...this is the time for that.

There is one other thing that I personally believe can make a huge difference to narc victims who are trapped in feelings of love and stuck in their efforts to change. I will talk all about that in the next post.


  1. I cant.stop loveing him I cant stop thinking. About him he consume my every thought all day every day I thought it would lesson by now but it hasent it's just gotton worse my heart hurts so bad I feel like I'm dying I feel so incomplete like something is missing.my hurt the pain is so severe I just want it to stop I want to stop loveing him and missing him this pain it.has to stop it been weeks I cant.stop crying.im up I'm down.cofused.scared.i.dont.no why I cant.kust.forget him stop loveing him why I'm I thinking about him more. And.more.it.should be less and less what the he'll is wrong.with me I need him I physically hurt in side and out I'm so weak and.tierd.i.use to be so strong will this ever stop he hurts me.and he hurts me.bad.hpw.can I love and need some one who hurts.me so bad i feel like. I've gone crazy

    1. I don't know who you are but you just mirrored my heart. Your not alone ..

    2. Definitively not alone. I'm also struggling.

    3. It's been years for me and it still has not gotten any better! My heart still hurts everyday! I still cry for him and miss him so much it physically hurts! I'm still looking for ways to get past this and I STILL cant! Why?? I think something is very wrong with me!

    4. Unknown, this is the blog author. I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible struggle. I think perhaps what you are holding on to is not the true memory of your relationship with your abuser, but an idea of him that you hold in your mind. For whatever reason, this idea is so important to you that you simply can't bring yourself to let go of it or see that it's not real. It might help to consider that possibility and see the effect that has; maybe you can figure out what you're so unwilling to lose. And as I've said to the others here, it might help to visit www.lucyrising.com, my free program for narc abuse recovery. I know you can get better...don't give up!

  2. Hi, this is the author, and I want to urge you to visit www.lucyrising.com to get some advice and help. I'm so sorry you're going through this torment but know that you are not alone!

  3. Unknown,
    I was the same way. I was with my narc for 8years and the pain has lessened. I still think about him daily and I don't think I will ever forget about him. I've accepted that I will always love him, but also understand that he is not good for me. I have met someone special, loving, caring, and adoring. He respects me and loves me for who I am. I never thought I would be able to love anyone else but my ex narc, but I have and I am very grateful. I must tell you this road to recovery is going to be long and hard and you might get back with him once, twice, three times or more, but one day you will wake up and be fed up with his evilness, you are just going to get fed up and say enough is enough. Until then try to remember that you are a good, wonderful, and loving person that deserves better. Try to find your old self and do things that makes YOU happy. It's ok to accept that you love him, but know that you can do better and that there is someone better out there for you. You are worthy to be loved and adored by someone who truly cares and loves you for who you are and not what you can do for them. I hope this helps.
    My battle isn't over yet, but I'm at a much better place. I have no contact with my narc and I intend to stay that way.

    1. I hope I can meet someone like you have. I got discarded in March of this year. I was with him for over 10 years. He is a covert narcissist. The trauma at the end was horrible and my entire world shattered. I see my pattern now of attracting narcissists. There were signs. I didn't understand some of what was going on, but now I do. My heart is broken. No one understands and the therapists can't see, either. It is like floating in an abyss and trying to figure out how to go on. They are master manipulators and unfortunately it is a game with your heart. They use inconsistent reinforcement to keep you hooked and act like they care. The constant rejection became heart-breaking. Afterwards, you feel like nothing and everything you did to stay with them was for nothing. I was a possession, but as an investment for what I had until he got his new supply, which was his own big investment that paid off big-time! They trick you into a false sense of security and you get to experience their version of love until they get bored of you. I thought I was so exhausted from my job, but it was my home life that exhausted me-maybe both. I moved away, but it has been a daily struggle. I am still grieving the false persona I married. I am trying to start over. My whole life was there in that small town. They lack empathy, which became a problem and made my situation with him worse. I know I should have left years ago, but it was hard and they do groom you to be devoted. As for the rejections-I thought it was me. Well, he is also a cerebral narcissist, so that explains that. I thought I was being compared to a live oerson, when in fact I think he had an addiction to porn. He kept up with his reinforcement all the way to the end. I also hadn't known about word salad, which he started doing about 5 years ago. It was odd. I accepted him with his other quirks because I was a tolerant person. I see now how the silent treatment, rejection, and triangulation affected me. I am still suffering from it. Please tell me it gets better. I was in the middle of recovering from spinal disc surgery when I got discarded.

    2. Hello Souljourner, this is the blog author. I'm terribly sorry for what you've been through--so much of it reminded me of my own experiences. I think one of the worst things about recovery from narc abuse is that it's so hard to find people, even in the support community, that understand what you're going through or even believe your perspective. But I assure you, anyone who's been through it has had the same experiences and suffering--you are not alone. The cruelty is as unspeakable as any emotional or physical abuse, and just like a battered wife or a rape victim, you deserve emotional support and understanding. Believe me, it does get better. I've been through it twice, with my ex-husband and my father, and in both cases time, self-compassion, and intellectual understanding of what had happened to me eventually helped me heal and lead a full and happy life, and you will too. There are a lot of things you can do to speed that process, and I recommend you visit my site www.lucyrising.com if you haven't already, to read the suggestions I share there. Be patient with the process even though it takes awhile--it won't be long before you start to see things really are getting better. My heart goes out to you!

  4. Whew I married one in 2014. It had been a long and a bumpy road. We have a cute 21 months baby boy together.i told him that it's over but It's hard to move on, I miss him like crazy in spite of the fact that because of him I lost everything that I had, I even lost myself, I'm in the verge of losing my job since I have developed terrible migraines and I have panic attacks, I'm totally depressed, my life is a mess.

  5. Anonymous, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know what you mean, and recovery is so hard. I hope you will visit www.lucyrising.com and read as much of the program as you can. There are a lot of tools there that can help you get over your experience and put your life back together again. I wish you all the best!

  6. On the final date after blocking me twice once because I didn't beg for us to go out later when she cancelled the first time and 2 because I stopped chasing when she lied that she was hospitalized so I asked to see if I could bring her the valentines gifts I'd bought to her at the hospital and was worried. She ghosted my text messages so I just said ok I understand your privacy and wish you a speedy recovery, then she waited a week to block me because I didn't pursue more to talk or beg. Finally ANGER LASH OUT 3 weeks after the second block fest simply because I was out with another girl at a club and that girl posted our pic together on Instagram. Then when I left te gift at her door she unblocked me to say it was a misunderstanding and that I should calm down and we can see about talking and that she would never throw any of my stuff away always keep my cards over 10 yrs. then cancels again but rescheduled then I warned her do not cancel me again and she comes outside the house and is cold no eye contact won't talk to me the whole car ride then says she forgot something and if we can go back to her house so she can pick it up then she sneaky smooth silent no eye contact nothing gets out of the car with her purse and her cell phone and runs up the stairs swiftly. 3 minutes go by and a call comes in to my phone from her saying what's up. She then says I'm not going anywhere with you and you haven't changed at all and that I had no right to call the hospital and check up on her life tracking her. I said if you want to talk then it is going to be to my face not hiding upstairs she said no so I said ok conversation over bye. Hanging up. She then sent me horrible mean messages to tell me to never ever show up at her house ever again and that I was an unfaithful man forever waow the pain of all the suffering and abuse and this happened March 7th ouch still hurts but she doesn't care except I got 2 BLOCKED CALLS from NO CALLER ID just the other day IDK if she is unblocking me to stalk my profile then blocking again rt away. GOD why did it have to be so beautiful a relationship 11 yrs ago and I am still infatuated with someone who has become vicious or maybe 11 yrs ago they just hadn't fully developed the cruelty to the whole new level of SAVAGE that it is now... just ruthless I'm crushed still to know she is probably laughing while I cry

    1. Unknown, this is the blog author. I'm sorry you're dealing with the nightmare of being involved with a narcissist. It's hard to let go of what you once dreamed you might have. But the most important thing is to have no further contact with her of any kind and focus on your own recovery. Please visit my site www.lucyrising.com, which offers a completely free recovery program. It can help you understand what has happened to you and find ways to return to a life without the torment of being a narc victim.

  7. My narc was very abusive and always used his daughter, or pretending to be the guy he was when we first met as a way for me to com back when I left , I finally built the courage to leave and he replaced me immediatly with another woman . Even after being with him for 4 years and engaged , 6 months into his new relationship he contacts me and tells me he rushed into the ralationship with the new girl and how he loved and missed me and like a dummy I went back again , only to screw myself over again I have sense had no contact since he finally stop showing up to my gym ! And it sucks that I can’t stop thinking about him ! Sometimes it’s anger sometimes it’s love and I feel like I can’t talk to Anyone because I’m ashamed that I still care about my abusive narc

  8. Anonymous, this is the blog author...I'm sorry you've experienced this and especially that you reprised the abuse by giving him a second chance. But you are certainly not alone in that! Narcs are so good at pretending to be sorry and promising to change. So don't beat yourself up for falling for it. I know you're still in a pretty bad place, but the fact that you are now no contact is the absolute best thing you can do--please keep it that way! In time your heart will catch up to your head, and the best way to get it there is to avoid giving him more opportunities to mess with you. I hope you will visit www.lucyrising.com and read all you can about narc abuse, which will also help with your recovery. You WILL get over this--keep the faith!

  9. Many associate narcissism as a male disorder. There are female narcs out there as well and in today's world Im seeing it to be more common. My mother was a narc and I spent my childhood constantly in fear of her. Unfortunately, it carried over to my adult life and I have chosen narcissistic women over and over again. Im now in my 50s and am just now becoming aware of what a narcissist is and am working to break the cycle.. its not easy and at times Im not even sure who I am. But we must learn to be strong and lift ourselves up and realize that we are not the worthless person we have be taught to think we are.

    1. Anonymous, this is the blog author. I'm sorry I didn't see your post and publish it before now! Thank you for your positive words. I'm very glad to hear you've developed an understanding of what has happened to you and are working to recover from your abuse. I wish you every success in that endeavor!

  10. How do you move on when you have a child together & have to stay in contact? I have him blocked on all social media but we still have contact via phone & text. I miss him all the time even though I know it’s wrong. I just want us to be a family so bad.

  11. Anonymous, this is the blog author. I'm so sorry for your situation. Having to deal with the continued contact that having children requires is a real burden, and there is no easy answer except to try to minimize your interactions as much as you can. Now that the two of you have split, of course you focus on the dreams you had of a happy life as a family. It's easy to forget the pain and torment and get lost in memories of the more positive experiences when your narc was in the mood to act like a loving husband. It's totally understandable that you should wish it had worked out. But trust me, the best gift you have ever given your child was to leave your husband. I know the effect living with a narc father had on me, as well as what it did to my daughters that they were raised by my narc husband when they were little. The fact that you had the strength to split with him is a wonderful, heroic thing, and even though your child is still in contact with him, far better that is isn't all the time. Give yourself time in this...it's hard and time is your best ally. Also, if you haven't yet checked out my free recovery program for victims of narc abuse, www.lucyrising.com, please do...perhaps it will help you. Take care and don't give up--it will get better!

    1. Thank you for your response, it means a lot to me to know that I’m not alone in how I am feeling. I appreciate your advice.

  12. I'm learning about narcissistic personality disorder, and abuse. I myself, have been discarded by my narcissist ex on December 22nd, 2018. I fell in love with him the first day I met him, on April 13th, 2018. A few months later, I visited him in Florida, and the trip was not a good one. Fast forward to the holidays, 2018, and I was discarded. It hurt me to the core. For one, he's White, 38 years old, and I'm Black, 36 years old. Despite the many arguments, I love him with all my heart. I'm hurt, and I don't know what to do.

  13. Hello, Virgolady, this is the blog author. I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible experience. What you are feeling--residual feelings for your abuser--is absolutely normal. It's not easy to lose these feelings even though in your mind you know the narc will just hurt you again and again. I urge you check out www.lucyrising.com, my free online program for recovery from narc abuse. It will help you understand your emotions and advise you how to get over them and move on to a happier, more peaceful life. You can recover from this! I hope the site will be helpful, and don't give up the fight!

  14. I was with my ex for 8 months. Living together for the last two. That was two years ago. He was awesome and the sex was amazing, but he didnt like me having any male friends, when we would argue he has told me id do the world a favour if i killed myself. At the end of our relationship i found out he was going by a different name, im still confused as he told me he was in some kind of witnesses protection. He never supported me when i found out, that very night he packed his bags and left. I loved him so much, i wanted to trust him regardless. I was taking meds for depression at the time, which he wpuld use against me by saying how could he trust someone who had a mental illness, he would tell me tjings, then completely denied he said tjem, saying i was delusional. I found out he bought a phone and prentended to be a guy trying to hook up with me, i told this fake person i wasnt interested and i had a boyfriend. Because i didnt bring this up to him, i deserved to be liec to because i was the liar. After we split he would say he lovec me tjen change his mind over and over again. But i cant stop thinking aboit him. Tje chemistry we had. I have started seeing someone, who is kind and lovely and tje opposite of my ex, but i cant stop thinking about my ex. Being with this new man is the right thing to do? Will i be able to forget my ex and just be happy with this new man. Im scared ill always love him, even though i see clearly i was abused.

    1. Hi, this is the blog author. I'm so sorry you were abused by this cruel man, but glad that you recognize that and are moving on. It's very common for narc victims to have these sorts of feelings. You were conditioned to believe that the narc was your dream guy and that pleasing him was the only road to love. Some of us only feel love is real is it comes from someone really hard to please. (Perhaps you had a parent like that, as I did.) But that person is a fantasy, and those feelings are not related to real love. Given time, you will move past this... Don't give up on your nice guy yet! I hope you will check out my free program for recovery from narc abuse at www.lucyrising.com, it could help you to understand what has happened to you and move past it. I wish you every success!

  15. I think it's probably your browser!

  16. I first found this post in 2018 when I things ended between me and him - I worked so hard since then to come to terms with what happened and heal - I still think about him every single day, I still love him, i haven’t felt anything for anyone since - I don’t even enjoy sex anymore... I feel like my existence is within him and without him I am nothing and I don’t know how to fix it - I’ve tried and it’s not getting better

  17. Hi, Anonymous...this is the blog author. I'm so sorry you are still struggling after all this time, that's just terrible and you don't deserve such misery. I hope you've had a chance to check out my website www.lucyrising.com which is a completely free online course in dealing with narcissistic abuse. If not, there may be some advice there that will help you. That said, three years is a long time and it may well be that you need face to face therapy from a counselor familiar with narc abuse. That's definitely something to consider if you can. For what it's worth, your existence is not with someone who chose to abuse you and left you. You are everything that matters to your own happiness. You have tremendous value and deserve happiness and peace. I hope these words are a tiny bit comforting, and I urge you to do whatever it takes to find a solution that helps you.
